Jill Crossland News

This page will offer a short summary of current developments in Jill's professional life. It will have opened in a new window- close window to return to the main site. Click on most logos and images for links.


May - recitals have included a second visit to the Yorkshire Dales, and Lancaster Cathedral.

April - Jill's concerts have included visits to Devon and to Yorkshire

March - We are pleased to announce Jill's forthcoming concert on at 7 June, Freshwater Memorial Hall, IOW will also be filmed for the UK Entertainment Channel

February - See Jill's Youtube channel at www.youtube.com/JillCrosslandPiano including extracts from her DVD of the concert at Newport Minster, now released

January - Jill gives six recitals this month including appearances at Chichester and Sheffield cathedrals.


December - The DVD recording of Jill's 2008 recital at Newport Minster IOW is in post-production and will be issued early in the New Year on Heaven Sent Productions.

Jill's recitals in 2008 have included a highly successful debut at the Leipzig Gewandhaus, and concerts at Fairfield and Blackheath Halls, The Sage Gateshead and her complete recording of the Bach Well-tempered Calvier has also been released on Signum Classics.

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